Imprint, dis­clo­sure accor­ding to § 25 Media Act and infor­ma­ti­on accor­ding to § 5 E‑Commerce Act:

Media owner/provider of services:

Öster­rei­chi­scher Agrar­ver­lag Druck und Ver­lags Gesell­schaft m.b.H. Nfg. KG;
Busi­ness sector/object of the com­pa­ny: publi­shing house;
Regis­tered office: muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Vienna;
Busi­ness address: Sturz­gas­se 1a, 1140 Vienna;
Tele­pho­ne num­ber: +43 1 98177–0
Fax: +43 1 98177–111
VAT iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on num­ber: ATU 41409203
Com­mer­cial regis­ter num­ber: 150499y

Persons/publishers with indirect participation in the media owner:

1. via Opti­mal Prä­sent GmbH: owner of 100 % of the shares: RAIFFEISEN-HOLDING NÖ-Wien Betei­li­gungs GmbH (see 2.)

2. via RAIFFEISEN-HOLDING NÖ-Wien Betei­li­gungs GmbH: RAIFFEISEN-HOLDING NIEDERÖSTERREICH-WIEN is 100% share­hol­der as a regis­tered coope­ra­ti­ve with limi­t­ed liability

The media owner is also the owner of the following media companies:

1. Cad­mos Ver­lag GmbH, regis­tered office: Munich, Ger­ma­ny, busi­ness address: Eng­l­mann­stra­ße 2, 81673 Munich.
Object of the com­pa­ny: Purcha­se of the rights of explo­ita­ti­on for the pur­po­se of pro­du­cing books, maga­zi­nes and other media, their pro­duc­tion, dis­tri­bu­ti­on and fur­ther mar­ke­ting, as well as the who­le­sa­le trade in the­se. Share­hol­ding of the media owner: 100 %.

2. av-news GmbH (in liqui­da­ti­on), regis­tered office: Munich, Ger­ma­ny; busi­ness address: Eng­l­mann­stra­ße 2, 81673 Munich; object of the com­pa­ny: publi­shing house, share­hol­ding of the media owner: 100 %.

Bank details:

Raiff­ei­sen­lan­des­bank NOE-WIEN, IBAN AT02 3200 0061 0008 2891, SWIFT RLNWATWWXXX
UniCre­dit Bank Aus­tria AG, IBAN AT34 1200 0006 1818 5508, SWIFT BKAUATWW

Dispute resolution:

The EU Com­mis­si­on crea­ted a plat­form for online dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on (ODR) bet­ween entre­pre­neurs and con­su­mers. To access the plat­form, plea­se go to:


Ver­si­on of Decem­ber 22nd, 2023